I have been reading about some of the LuLaRoe Consultants talking about their "WHY" lately. Some do it for their families, for money, for independence, to be able to stay home with the littles, as a hobby, to get out of a bad job...there are multiple why's that people have. Many talk about what LuLaRoe has brought to their life, and how much things have changed for them since they discovered this wonderful company. I have been really inspired by many of these woman's' stories, and it brought me to question myself to WHY did I decide to sign up with LuLaRoe and what I am expecting from this company. I have been thinking about this for a while and honestly I struggled a little bit at first. I knew that I loved the clothing, the colors, the fabrics, the textures. The clothing was different than what I have ever been exposed to. I knew that I loved the idea of the sisterhood that it would bring to my life, within my team and the multiple woman that would be seeking out the clothing that I would soon be selling. I knew that the Mission Statement blew me away, "Where through fashion we create freedom, serve others and strengthen families. A place where lives are being blessed and dreams achieved through love, confidence, purpose and growth". Each and every word of it made me smile, I believed in it, and I knew that it was something that I could stand behind. It was the last sentence of that mission statement that made me realize what my why was. I wanted to be part of a company that wanted to spread LOVE. I needed to be part of a company that builds CONFIDENCE in woman. I insisted on being associated with a company that provided a PURPOSE for so many. And finally I wanted to GROW.
I struggled most of my life with depression. My self confidence suffered greatly for I never thought I was good enough for anything. I hated looking in the mirror, for I wasn't skinny enough, pretty enough, smart enough, worth enough. I spoke down to myself and because of this I would hide behind my sarcasm, my sense of humor and my calloused personality. I wore clothes that hid my most hated parts and steered clear of any colors for it wasn't how I was feeling inside. I wore black..black...black!!! My lack of purpose in life held me back from ever achieving the things I really wanted. Sure, I went to college, broke into the professional world, but I never got promoted, I didn't believe in myself to try hard enough to get promoted. I never gave myself room to grow, for I stayed very confined and struggled with branching out to learn, receive change and demonstrate positivity. It was not until about four years ago, I decided to reach out and talk with someone to take me on a journey of self discovery. I have learned so much in these last few years, my favorite subject, Loving myself. So, after being stuck in a dead end job, struggling with family issues and grieving a life that I would never have; I decided to finally step two steps sideways out from under the cloud I thought was covering me, and I felt the warm sun on my skin for a change. I left my job, I departmentalized my family issues and I learned to accept what I was never going to be able to change and said goodbye to a chapter of my life that brought me great sorrow. I instantly felted relieved, happier, free!! I could breathe, and it felt good. It was at that moment in my life where my eyes were finally wide open that LuLaRoe came galloping in.
This company came to me when I was finally ready to accept its gift. It brought me colors, comfort & confidence in what I was wearing. I felt pretty, and I looked forward to putting my outfits together. I had never been in this space before. I enjoyed the way these clothes and this company was changing my outlook on myself. I knew if LuLaRoe was able to make me feel this happy with how I saw myself, that I had to share this blessing with other woman. I knew that making other woman feel beautiful and strong would bring purpose to my life. A purpose, a love that will grow woman's confidence. So there you have it. That is my Why!
Do you know what your WHY is?
Keep growing and keep reaching for the stars, Angee. You are the very best. I have known it for years and am so happy that you finally discovered it too.